Prof. Manju Bansal Lab, MBU, IISc, Bangalore, India.


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Prof. Manju Bansal

Prof. Bansal received her Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1977. She joined European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, FRG as a von Humboldt fellow in 1981. She joined Indian Institute of Science as lecturer in 1982. She was director of Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology from 2001-2004. Currently she is Prof of theoretical Biophysics group in Molecular Biophysics Unit in Indian Institute of Science.

Field of work

The main thrust of research is directed towards arriving at a better understanding of the sequence dependent variability in DNA structure and its role in biological function. Her work clearly showed for the first time that the  intrinsic sequence dependent  variability  in DNA  structure,  as observed in oligonucleotide crystal  structures,  can correctly predict intrinsic curvature and bending of DNA molecules  in  solution, which is now well known to play a decisive role in such important functions as transcription initiation and replication. She has adopted a multipronged approach including model-building, molecular mechanics and physico chemical techniques. The studies have provided insights into local variability of DNA structures and in order to describe these structural features, several new analytical   tools have been developed in-house. Several predictions made by these theoretical considerations have been experimentally confirmed. Recently a promoter identification algorithm based on DNA stability has been developed, which predicts prokaryotic promoters with better accuracy than most currently used programs.


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Last modified: March 2018