Prof. Manju Bansal Lab, MBU, IISc, Bangalore, India.


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EcoProm  : Database of Escherichia coli promoters which are predicted on the basis of DNA stability.

PromBase : Database of promoters for Microbial genomes predicted based on relative DNA stability.

Plantcisprom : Database of Rice & Arabidopsis thaliana promoters which are predicted based on relative DNA stability.

Web Servers

PromPredict : Program for promoter prediction in microbial DNA sequences.

NUPARM : Program for analysis of sequence dependent variations in nucleic acid (DNA & RNA) double helices.

NUCGEN-Plus : a web-server for generation of sequence dependent non-uniform nucleic acid structures.

HELANAL-Plus : A program to characterize the geometries of helices present in proteins.

MolBridge : Program for finding non-bonded interactions in small molecule and biomolecule structures.

ASSP : Program for assigning Secondary Structures present in proteins.

(Under Construction) Nucleic Acid Canonical Coordinates