A Program for assigning Secondary Structures in proteins

 Description of ASSP output files:

The following output files are created during each run of ASSP:

*_nh.out contains the unit twist, unit rise (height), virtual torsion angle, bending angle between two successive turns and radius, calculated for each set of four CA atoms in the helix.
Format of the file is as follows:

Line Number03I4Line number or Step number
Res Number69I4CA atom of 1st residue of the repeating unit
Res Id1111A1Single letter code
Res Number1417I4CA atom of 2nd residue of the repeating unit
Res Id1919A1Single letter code
Res Number2225I4CA atom of 3rd residue of the repeating unit
Res Id2727A1Single letter code
Res Number3033I4CA atom of 4th residue of the repeating unit
Res Id3535A1Single letter code
Chain Id3737A1Chain identifier of the repeating unit
Twist4146F6.2Translation along the helical axis per repeating unit (Deg.)
Height4952F4.2Rise along the helical axis per repeating unit (Ang.)
Vtor5560F6.2Virtual torsional angle per repeating unit (Deg.)
Bending Angle6368F6.2Bending angle b/w local helix axes of two successive turns(Deg.)
Radius7174F4.2Radius of least squares circle fitted per repeating unit (Ang.)

*_diff.out contains the absolute value of the differences of local parameters mentioned above.
Format of the file is as follows:

Chain Id00A1Chain identifier to which all five residues belong
Res Num25I4CA atom of 1st residue of the repeating unit 1
Res Id77A1Amino acid single letter code
Res Num1013I4CA atom of 4th residue of the repeating unit 2
Res Id1515A1Amino acid single letter code
Twist11823F6.2Translation along the helical axis for repeating unit 1 (Deg.)
Twist22631F6.2Translation along the helical axis for repeating unit 2 (Deg.)
ΔTwist3439F6.2Absolute difference between Twist1 and Twist2 (Deg.)
h14245F4.2Rise along the helical axis for repeating unit 1 (Ang.)
h24851F4.2Rise along the helical axis for repeating unit 2 (Ang.)
Δh 5457F4.2Absolute difference between Height1 and Height2 (Ang.)
Vtor16065F6.2Virtual torsional angle for repeating unit 1 (Deg.)
Vtor26873F6.2Virtual torsional angle for repeating unit 2 (Deg.)
ΔVtor7681F6.2Absolute difference between Vtor1 and Vtor2 (Deg.)
Res Num8487I4CA atom of 2nd residue of the repeating unit 1
Res Id8989A1Amino acid single letter code
Res Num9295I4CA atom of 3rd residue of the repeating unit 2
Res Id9797A1Amino acid single letter code

*_cont.out Two successive repeating units are part of continuous stretch, if and only if absolute value of (ΔTwist, Δh, ΔVtor) < (35˚, 1.1Å, 50˚). Contains the steps of a continuous stretch with step wise helix type (explained below) assignment. Assignments are added in the begining of the corresponding step in *_nh.out. Added assignments can be A, G, I, P, S, a, g, i or U (explained below). This file also contains the average value of twist and rise of each continuous stretch (Format is described bellow).
Format of the file is as follows:

Assignment100A1Twist, Rise and Radius satisfying the criteria of either α helix or PPII (can have A, a, S, P, U)
Assignment222A1Twist, Rise and Radius satisfying the criteria of 310 helix (can have G, g, U)
Assignment344A1Twist, Rise and Radius satisfying the criteria of π helix (can have I, i, U)
Description of assignments explained above:
Helix typeclass numberDescriptionHelix typeclass numberDescription
A1Right-handed α helixa6Left-handed α helix
G5Right-handed 310 helixg12Left-handed 310 helix
I3Right-handed π helixi11Left-handed π helix
P10PPII helixU-Undefined
S0Strands (Extended Configuration)---
Description of the record consisting of avg. Twist and avg. Rise:

File Name06A6Name of the input file (without the extension)
Cont.Num.1013I4Continuous stretch number
Res ID1517A3Starting residue (3 Letter code)
Chain Id1919A1Chain Identifier
Res Num2124I4Residue Number (same as in PDB)
Res ID2729A3End Residue (3 Letter code)
Chain Id3131A1Chain Identifier
Res Num3336I4Residue Number (same as in PDB)
Avg. Twist4752F6.2Average unit twist of the helix (Deg.)
Avg. Height5558F4.2Average unit height of the helix (Ang.)

*_assp.out contains the secondary structure assignment by ASSP in PDB "HELIX record" format.
Format of the file is as follows:

SS Type09A10Secondary Structure Type
SS Num1113I3Serial Number of Secondary Structure
Res ID1517A3Starting residue (3 Letter code)
Chain Id1919A1Chain Identifier
Res Num2124I4Residue Number (same as in PDB)
Res ID2729A3End Residue (3 Letter code)
Chain Id3131A1Chain Identifier
Res Num3336I4Residue Number (same as in PDB)
SS Identifier3839I2Secondary Structure Type
Length7375I3Length of the Secondary Structure

*_tor.out file contains the phi-psi torsional angle record for each residue.

Res Id13A33 Letter code of the residue
Chain Id77A1Chain Identifier of the residue
Res Num1013I4Residue Number (same as in PDB)
Phi Angle1723F7.2Phi Torsional Angle
Psi Angle2733F7.2Psi Torsional Angle
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